Anger Management
Do you feel you are hanging on to angry feelings? Do you constantly feel impatient, hostile or irritable? Do you find yourself in frequent arguments that seem to never end and even escalate? Do you become verbally or physically abusive when your anger gets out of control?
There is hope through counseling. Our qualified therapist can help you learn effective ways to express anger and negative feels.
Learn skills to…
Deal with stress and how stress underlies anger
Identify other ways to communicate needs, feeling or requests that are more effective than holding on to anger and resentment.
Challenge negative self-talk that can keep you in a negative space.
Effective communication strategies that can help you handle and resolve conflict.
Find alternative ways of getting needs met.
Forgive and how to form grievance and develop empathy.

Additional Information About Our Services
We will work on your behalf with your attorney or the court. We first check your insurance benefits.
We accept most insurances including PPO and HMO’s and will do the billing for you.
We have a sliding fee scale for the uninsured.